Friday, November 18, 2011


  I realize that I haven't written anything here in quite a while, but I can't think of a specific incident of cuteness that's not too short or too long (it's midnight; I need to hurry and sleep), so I'm just going to update y'all on the kidlets' lives. Let's start with... *flips coin* Baby Boy!
  So Baby Boy is now six months old. He's sitting up all the time, and the other day... He crawled!!!  I couldn't believe it, but he did three little crawls toward me before he... fell on his face and started crying. But, oh well. He's super adorable, even though he cries incessantly at night (during the day, he's awesome. Perfectly chill). Oh, and he eats baby food now! Already on threes! That boy can eat. He has this huge head, incredibly persuasive big brown eyes, and elf ears. I swear, he's part elf, somewhere back in his family tree. Maybe he's descended from Legolas or something.
  Next up is Little Girl, who is now two and a half. She's talking a ton (nonstop really), and she loves dinosaurs and "manimals." Her favorite words are, "No," "Baby brother," "Stop it," and "No, no, no guys." (The last one is when we're too loud or arguing [and she says it with her cute little hands in the air by her face].) She argues with her uncle and sometimes pushes her brother over (not so much anymore, but when he first started sitting up, it was like she said, "What is this; you are a baby, so lay back down and cry."), and sometimes throws fits about going to bed and eating. She's absolutely beautiful though, and I love her to death.
  Have you ever have a baby hug? You know the ones were he kind of leans against you and tries to eat your hair, but you pretend that he's hugging you and hold him real tight? And then Little Girl gives those great big hugs with her arms wrapped really hard around you neck, and she says, "Mmmm, I love you," while she does it? Omg, those are wonderful. If I had to do one thing for the rest of my life, it would be hugging babies. Well, no, it would probably be praying or ministering to the lost, but you get it, right?
  So yeah. Babies. Comment, especially you, Aunt Becky. That's right; you've been called out. Comment, and I'll give you some more chapters of my book ;)

1 comment:

  1. Sweeet, I loved it. I like the genuine love that shows through your writing. What a blessing you are.
