Saturday, October 15, 2011

Socks have feelings too

  Today, I dressed Little Girl before she, her mother, and Baby Boy left to visit someone. I managed to get her jeans on while she yelled over and over, "Don't give me ouch!" (I've never heard her say "ouch" before, so that's weird), and then we put on her shirt. Next came shoes.
  First, I tried sitting her on my lap while I pulled on her socks. That didn't really work, so I made her lay down on me with her foot in the air while I put one on. She held the other one.
  After a few minutes, she began hugging the sock and saying, "Mm, sock, you're best friend." (This means that the sock is her best friend, not that she was saying something about the sock's best friend and then forgot.)
  What?! I though I was Little Girl's best friend! Her mother and I argue over who gets that title all the time, and now, it's a sock?! Well, that's nice. I hope she has fun with her best friend the sock.