Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The beginning...

This is a blog about my kidlets and the adorable things they do. The oldest is almost two and a half, and the youngest is five months, and together, they make an unstoppable cuteness train that will force you to at least smile, if not LOL out loud. (That was a joke.)

My niece and nephew are my kidlets, in case you were wondering.  Oh, and hi.

Because this is a public blog that actual Internet people might be reading when they're bored, I'm not going to tell you the real names of my kidlets. Instead, you will know them only as, uh... I'm drawing a blank. Thinking either Kidlet #1 and Kidlet #2 (but then I have to use the shift key and remember where the # sign is, which is not something I use while writing my stories and book, so it's difficult), or Girl and Boy. The first one is a little reference to Dr. Seuss, but the (I tell the little girl that something's not funny, and it only makes her laugh more... She climbed into my lap and distracted me) second one is simpler. Hey! Little Girl and Little Boy would... No! Little Girl and Baby Boy! It's perfect. I love it, and you can't change my mind.


Now that I have renamed my kidlets, we can get to the explanation part of this post. Through a series of unfortunate events (no, not the books), the kidlets have ended up living in my house. Well, my parents' house, where I live with my parents, my little brother, and now my sister and her children. It's a three bedroom house, meaning that my parents and my brother have their own room. So the two newcomers and one oldcomer (my spellchecker says that's not a word, but it totally is. I mean, I'm a wordsmith, so any word I make is real, right?) are now living in my bedroom. While Baby Boy gets his own bassinet (which he is quickly outgrowing), Little Girl and her mother are on the full-sized bottom bunk, and I have the twin-size top bunk. My feet hang off the edge of the bed, which I'm okay with because I'll have to deal with it forever, but the problem is that this bed has a railing. It's safer for my kidlets, but it's annoying for my long legs, and I'm used to a bigger bed.

So we're crammed into this room together. I'm a writer, as I alluded to a couple of times earlier on in this post. I have written some short stories, and I'm working on a book (it's called Redemption, and it's beautifully difficult). So I need a desk to work because the bed is too comfortingly distracting, and I can't write there. My sister needs a desk for homework, so what's the next logical option? I set up a table in my brother's room, covered it in knickknackys, nail polish, and books, and I proceeded to use it as a writing desk. I don't know why you need to know all that, but there you go.

During the day, both my parents work (Mama was stay-at-home for years, so this is strange to us), and my sister goes to college (she's studying to be a nurse). My brother and I are homeschooled, and Mama runs it with my help while me and Bro (ooh, Little Bro!) watch the kidlets. They do some pretty hilarious things during the day and even funnier things at night when they should be sleeping. Some of their funny things don't communicate to text (such as the way Little Girl says "night-night" so that she sounds like she's a Yankee), but I'll do my best. And this way, I won't be clogging everyone's Facebook with status up... Wait, I'm just going to post the link to this on my page, so... Yay, you get to read about my kidlets whether you want to or not!

I think that's a long enough first post, especially since I expect the later posts to be very short and frequent. Would you like to read some cute things? Then stick around, baby, because the cuteness will overwhelm you!


  1. OH, MY GOSH, I should have read this the day I saw the post on facebook but I didn't! I read it TODAY and I absolutely love it, I wish there was more already, is there more already? I am ready for more. I love the way you write about your kidlits, and I love the way you write, Sarah. Write more.

  2. Hey mom, could you say the word "more" one more time? Seriously Sarah these stories, I don't know what else to call them, are adorable.
