Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Earlier today, Little Girl got two plastic balls and brought them to me at my desk/table. I was holding Baby Boy in my lap, and she gave him one of the balls (I had to help because it's hard for things to pass from one little hand to the next).
Then, Little Girl turned and threw her ball across the room. Because what else do you do with toys? She turned to her brother and said, "Throw it, Baby Boy!"
Being five months old, Baby Boy stared at her in fascination, thinking Wow, that little person makes a lot of noise or maybe just Where'd the Big Milk Thing run off to?
I explained to Little Girl that her brother was too small to throw a ball. So what did she do? The most logical and adorable of all options, of course. She took the ball and threw it across the room. Then, she turned back to us and yelled, "Yay, Baby Boy!" as she clapped for him. She even had the tone that grownups use when we congratulate children on doing things like rolling over.


  1. That just made me laugh out loud enough to spell it. So many funny expressions (last sentence)and descriptions (Big Milk Thing). lol

  2. "Where'd the big milk thing run off to", lol!!!! That's gonna be my new favorite quote!!
